
800 meters of track destressed in 2.5 hours

Leonhard Weiss is now completing the first phase of rail and tie replacement between Hudikswall and Sundsvall in Sweeden. The project has seen the implementation of Pandrol Fastclip, Rosenqvist CD500 clipping machines, and Vortok Stressing Rollers. 

The project includes 14 miles of new track and a total of 45,000 ties to be replaced. To execute a rapid and cost-effective distressing process, Leonhard Weiss selected the CD500 High-Output Clipping Machine, capable of installing Fastclip at 70 ties per minute.

The joint offering of the CD500 with Fastclip and Stressing Rollers facilitated a swift destressing of the track. The Leonhard Weiss distressing team consists of 7 track staff, completing 800 meters within 2.5 hours consistently. According to project manager Mr. Peter Schulte, Leonhard Weiss would require a total of 15 track staff using conventional clipping machines to compete with the CD500 performance output. The performance level accomplished using the CD500 has once again exceeded client expectations.