The SD-HH fastening system is quick and efficient to instal with few tools and minimal training.
Very high rates of track construction and maintenance can be achieved with SD-HH fastenings thanks to pre-assembly, the switch-on/switch-off function, and the option of using mechanised equipment. This saves time, labour and distribution costs throughout the system’s lifecycle.
Available in a range of different configurations and highly adjustable (both laterally and vertically), the SD-HH is a versatile solution that is suitable for most track infrastructure and meets a wide range of customer requirements for stiffness, adjustment, and rail clamping force.
The SD-HH clip can be designed for use in small spaces such as turnouts, allowing customers to keep the same type of fastening throughout the track.
Compared to similar products, the clip is relatively low weight. This reduces its environmental impact without compromising on performance.
The fastening system has been designed to protect the sleeper from abrasion.
The SD-HH can provide a simple retrofit upgrade for Vossloh SKL fastenings, offering a gauge widening option of up to +15mm (compared to SKL’s +8mm).
SD-HH sleepers can be supplied fully pre-assembled to construction sites, with all components remaining captive during construction and maintenance activities.
The SD-HH clip can be moved quickly from the parked position (in which it is held securely without intruding into the rail seat) into the service position. With the screw loosened, the clip is simply pushed from one position to the other to either clamp or release the rail.
The high elasticity of the SD-HH clip ensures the correct clamping force. As a result, a consistent longitudinal restraint is achieved automatically when screws are tightened until full contact is made.
Accurate lateral rail adjustment is achieved by changing the guide plate insulators for different sizes in required increments, by steps of 2.5mm.
The SD-HH clip is available in low toe load and a zero longitudinal restraint (ZLR) configuration, typically for use on bridges and viaducts when track-structure interaction effects need to be dealt with in the rail fastening assembly.
SD-HH can be installed in an SKL-shaped rail seat, providing a simple retrofit upgrade.
Designed to be delivered preassembled on the sleeper or slab element, SD can deliver higher rates of construction thanks to its efficient controlled clip guidance from parked to the
in-service position.
The system is characterized by a more compact and robust design with lower carbon footprint.
Its optimized geometry also enables automatic installation resulting improved efficiency and cost saving during installation and maintenance.
SD-E is the lightest version of the SD product family (up to 40% weight reduction).