Pandrol’s SB40 and SB60 Sleeper Replacers are attachments designed to replace sleepers safely and efficiently.
Pandrol’s SB40 and SB60 Sleeper Replacers are high-performance excavator attachments designed to make track work faster and safer.
Pandrol’s Sleeper Replacers are high-performance machines that increase productivity and save time.
Because the Sleeper Replacers can dig out, remove and replace the sleeper with one attachment, they offer a simple, cost-effective option.
Fewer people are needed on track to carry out sleeper replacement, improving safety.
When fitted with an Auto Master clipping attachment, the Sleeper Replacers can also be used for fast, efficient installation of Pandrol’s FC and FE Fastclips.
The SB60’s innovative tilt and rotate functions create maximum flexibility, allowing sleepers to be changed from both the middle and side of the track.
Because the blade remains stationary and only the grapple rotates, the SB60 is suitable for use in limited spaces such as station platforms and tunnels.
The SB40 and SB60 Sleeper Replacers dig out, remove and replace sleepers using a single attachment.
The Sleeper Replacers are compatible with most types of sleepers and are available in various track gauges.
The SB60 Sleeper Replacer can be tilted and rotated, allowing sleepers to be changed from both the middle and side of the track.
The Sleeper Replacers are compact in design and the SB40 is particularly lightweight.
Several accessories are available including the Auto Master for automatic clipping, a bucket attachment for removing ballast, and a bucket attachment for wet spots.
Clip new sleepers onto the rail with just one press of a button. The Auto Master Clipping Attachment minimises the number of people needed for clipping during re-sleeper operations.
Developed as an accessory for the Sleeper Replacer SB40 and SB60, the Auto Master enables Pandrol Fastclip FC and FE to be fitted automatically, increasing site safety by reducing the amount of staff on track.
This self-centering machine can handle a variety of rails and sleepers and is supplied with CE certification as standard.
Technical Features:
Pandrol rail clamps offer a reliable solution for the installation and maintenance of long welded rails, compatible with all types of transport and laying equipment.
A telescopic frame makes the Sleeper Layers compact and safe to operate. A unique, patented linkage system ensures that the centre of gravity does not change during sleeper spreading.
The Auto Master enables clipping to take place automatically, as part of a seamless process. With six to eight fewer people required on track to perform the operation, the machine has a major impact on site safety.
Capable of handling both sleepers and rail, the Sleeper Grabber improves installation efficiency and sleeper reuse.
Pandrol’s rail tongs are used to install and maintain continuous welded rail (CWR). The rail tongs clip automatically onto the rail being moved and are designed to be fastened to all types of hauling and rail removal equipment.
Pandrol have designed three types of track jacks: hydraulic, mechanical and obstructionless. They have all been designed for easy use, maximum operator safety and to be high performing in all working conditions.
Once lifted, the rail can be moved with very low friction for the purposes of rail stressing. The resultant stress distribution is, therefore, optimised.