Track Measurement and Analysis

Structure and Clearance

Pandrol offers a range of Structure Clearance & Gauging tools developed to provide quick and accurate structure clearance measurements.

Structure Clearance and Gauging product overview

We offer a range of solutions for different applications, allowing the user to take height and distance offset readings from the running rails to a desired object or position such as a Platform or Datum Plate.

  • The Structure Clearance & Gauging tools are simple to use and can be operated by one person

Benefits of the Structure Clearance and Gauging



Portability and ease of use make it ideal for highly time pressurised environments in which measurements need to be taken quickly and accurately


Easily operated

The product is easy to use and operators need less training than for traditional gauging methods



P5650 is Unlike more traditional gauging methods, Bluetooth communication allows the device to be operated from a position of safety

Technical features of the Structure Clearance and Gauging


2D laser scanning technology

The RouteScan (P5650) uses 2D laser scanning technology to take measurements. A visible (635nm wavelength) beam is directed from the laser housing


Measures 'unseen' points

The target pole (P4659) is an optional accessory for RouteScan. It allows the measurement of points that cannot be ‘seen’ directly by the laser, such as the gauge corner of the rail on an adjacent track


Robust and lightweight tool

The Laser Offset Gauge (P4610) is a foldable, robust and lightweight tool, it is designed to measure a distance to a desired object or structure


No track possession

The Platform Gauge (P4060) provides the ability to measure the platform without track possession.

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